Scene Editing2025-01-28T09:21:47-06:00



Scene Editing & Assembly In Toolbag

Your user experience is fundamental to Toolbag’s design goals, and managing your assets and settling into a comfortable workflow should feel as smooth as possible. You can bring your artistic vision to fruition with Toolbag’s lightweight, flexible, and user-friendly editor.

Customize Your Space

Create a layout of your choice with Toolbag’s customizable Workspaces and flexible interface. Split Viewports, dock, and float windows to your liking, and distribute them across multiple monitors to create the perfect UI layout. Toggle between Workspace presets to suit each phase of your project.

Seamless Asset Management

Work with common formats such as FBX, OBJ, and Alembic, and ensure scene data interoperability between apps with USD file support. Save time by sourcing pre-made lighting setups and 3D assets from Toolbag’s built-in asset Library.

Toolbag auto-reloads your content and quickly recovers lost files with its Resource Locator.

Modular Material Setup

Create lifelike hair, skin, glass, and many more materials with Toolbag’s modular material system.

Experiment with different surface styles using high-quality base materials and textures from the Library. Take advantage of material layering and UV-less projection with tri-planar mapping in the material editor.


Streamlined Look Development

Accelerate your look development workflow by customizing Toolbag’s UI and Workspaces to your preference. Iterate scenes efficiently to bring your creative vision to life faster than ever.

Perfect your project’s visual aesthetics using Toolbag’s precise material setup, and capture your work under multiple lighting conditions with HDRI Skies from the Library.

Make It Move

Once your scene is ready, showcase your artwork with a cinematic flair using Toolbag’s flexible animation system. Import animation sequences via Alembic and FBX, craft camera animations with Toolbag’s Keyframe and Timeline editors, or add a Turntable object to your scene for an automated 360° capture.

3D Art by Jake Woodruff, Animation by Kyle Moody

Supported File Formats

For complete information on file formats supported, check out the Getting Started category of Toolbag’s documentation.

Scene Import

  • Universal Scene Description (.usd, .usda, .usdc)

  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
  • Wavefront Object (.obj)
  • Alembic (.abc)

  • Hair Groom (via Alembic)

  • COLLADA Model (.dae)
  • AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)
  • Polygon File (.ply)
  • Stereolithography (.stl)

  • Marmoset Mesh (.mesh)

Scene Export

  • Universal Scene Description (.usd, .usda, .usdc)

  • Marmoset Viewer (.mview)
  • Marmoset Scene Bundle (.tbscene)
  • WebGL (.glTF)
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
  • Wavefront Object (.obj)
  • COLLADA Model (.dae)

Image Inputs

  • Targa Image (.tga)
  • Bitmap image (.bmp)
  • DirectDraw Surface (.dds)
  • Photoshop Document (.psd)
  • Photoshop Large Document (.psb)
  • TIFF Image (.tif)
  • Portable Network Graphics (.png)
  • JPEG Image (.jpg)
  • Portable Float Map (.pfm)
  • Radiance HDR (.hdr)
  • OpenEXR (.exr)
  • Marmoset Picture Format (.mpic)

Gabriel Lopes

3D Character Artist

“Toolbag is a great tool that gave me a lot of control over shaders in a straightforward and simple-to-use manner and a quick way to preview my character throughout the entire pipeline.”

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