Custom Shaders
Custom shaders are user-created, downloadable extensions to Toolbag’s material system. They empower you to add extra functionality, speed up your workflow and create nifty special effects. Browse the library below to find a number of excellent shaders created by our community.
Check out the Writing Custom Shaders for Toolbag 3 tutorial to learn how to create your own shaders.
Channel Display
The Channel Display shader enables you to pick various texture channels to display, similar to the layers breakdown in Marmoset Viewer. This shader provides a handy way to render out multiple passes for map breakdown shots.
Type: Free – Author: Lee Devonald

Colored Ambient Occlusion
This shader takes in a baked AO map, and allows you to specify color for the the light and dark values. This is a fast way to present asset bakes without finished textures.
Type: Paid – Author: Tyler Walters
Detail Albedo Map
This shader functions similarly to the Detail Normal Map, but with a slot for an Albedo map so you can match your Detail Albedo Map to the Detail Normal Map.
Type: Free – Author: Nicolas Hiernaux
Detail Normal RGBA
The Detail Normal RGBA shader provides four slots for tiling micro detail normal maps and a splat mask to control where each detail map is shown. This shader is especially useful for cloth, skin and environment assets like rocks or terrain.
Type: Paid – Author: Chris Perrella
Foliage Shader
This shader enables you to create animated foliage with procedural wind effects. It supports vertex displacement based on Crytek’s foliage animation system outlined in GPUGems 3. Vertex color provides information to the Detail Bending settings in the material.
Type: Paid – Author: Chris Perrella
The Flipbook shader enables you to load an animated sprite sheet texture. This is especially useful for creating effects like fire or explosions.
Type: Free – Author: Danilo Paulo
The Fresnel shader creates an effect that highlights the silhouette of objects, which can be useful for faking rim lighting or other stylized effects.
Type: Free – Author: Danilo Paulo
Hue Saturation Luminance
The HSV shader provides controls to change the tint, vividness and brightness of the albedo channel. This shader can be used for quick tweaks or more advanced cases like materials that use a mask to recolor specific areas.
Type: Paid – Author: Chris Perrella
Material Blending
The Material Blending shader blends together multiple layers, which works well for adding additional detail and variation to environment assets. The first layer is controlled by the base albedo, normal, specular or metalness, and gloss or roughness maps. Two additional layers can be added via the Material Blending UI.
Type: Paid – Author: Chris Perrella
The Panner shader creates a scrolling texture effect. This can be used for a variety of things, like tank treads or a stock exchange style ticker.
Type: Free – Author: Danilo Paulo
Panner (Displacement)
Similar to the standard Panner shader, the Displacement Panner shader creates a scrolling texture effect, but works with displacement maps.
Type: Free – Author: Danilo Paulo
RGB Mask Shader
This shader uses RGB Texture channels to define masks. You can control the color, intensity, glossiness, and tweak some normal properties. The mask is based on the model’s second UV channel. The shader can be used to add variation to your models and gives the ability to change the look of your model on the fly.
Type: Paid – Author: Cody Alday
Triplanar Projection Shader
This shader is designed to allow materials inside Marmoset Toolbag 3 to use Triplanar Projection mapping so that you can map textures to objects that do not have or have incorrect UV mapping, which is useful for prototyping/showcasing high poly meshes.
Type: Free – Author: Soon Aun
Two Sided Shader
This shader enables separate control of the material inputs and parameters for backfaces when ‘Cull Back Faces’ is disabled on a mesh. The material must use Metalness reflectivity.
Type: Free – Author: Tyler Walters
Vertex Hair Shader
This shader utilizes vertex color channels to mask out areas of hair and give the user the ability to specify a color and the strength of the effect. It works well with an existing albedo texture and can work with a flat color as well. Ideally, it would work best with a greyscale albedo texture with variation in lights and darks, and the overall tone set to around 128 grey (similar to a detail map).
Type: Free – Author: Cody Alday
Python plugins are user-created, downloadable scripts that enable you to automate your workflow and add new features to Toolbag. Browse the library below to find an assortment of helpful plugins created by our community.
Interested in creating your own Python plugins? Check out our Python Scripting for Toolbag tutorial as well as the Python Reference.
Auto Add Textures
Auto Add Texture v1.0 allows users to automatically assign several textures in Marmoset Toolbag. You no longer need to drag textures individually to each material. You can simply import your maps just with one click. In addition, you can save a preset file to meet demands for different projects.
Note: The free version can’t save and load texture name presets.
Type: Paid & Free – Author: PJ Peng
AutoMAT is a plugin for Marmoset Toolbag 3, designed to save time by automatically assigning textures to scene materials. Given the appropriate folder, it will sort out all the textures in the respective material shaders, according to their filenames and based on the selected preset (Standard PBR, Unity, Unreal…). You can visualize individual maps to check for errors and ensure that the process completed successfully. There are also a variety of other features designed to maximize compatibility across different workflows to meet the needs and naming conventions of all users. Check out more details about AutoMAT on the dedicated Wiki.
Type: Paid – Author: Luciano Laudani
Baker Bridge
Blender – Marmoset Toolbag 3 – Baker Bridge (or BTBridge) is a Blender 2.8 add-on for scene preparation and exporting to Marmoset Toolbag 3 for texture baking. The add-on significantly speeds up the process of creating baker groups (Low/High poly) by setting them up directly in Blender and loading them into Toolbag. The add-on also supports several methods of export, such as separate files for custom import into Toolbag with an add-on loader and native TB3 QuickLoader possibilities.
Type: Paid – Author: Titus Lavrov
Megascans Live Link for Toolbag 3
The Megascans Live Link plugin provides users with a one-click export option for assets with predefined materials from Quixel Bridge into Toolbag. Watch the video to learn more about how the plugin can speed up your workflow.
Type: Free – Author: Quixel
Render Light Each Pass
The Render Each Light Pass Python plugin saves a render for each light in your scene, which can be used to composite and edit the light intensity in Photoshop or other compositing software.
The EXR format must be enabled in Capture Settings (ctrl +p) for the plugin to work. Once the images have been saved, load them as layers in your compositing software and set the blend mode to Linear Dodge (Add). You can then adjust the opacity or exposure of the individual layers. Watch the video above to see this workflow in action.
Type: Free – Author: David Girard
Replace Objects
The Replace Objects plugin allows you to replace multiple objects at the same time. You can add a suffix to your copies and select which transforms you want to copy: Position, Rotation, Scale.
Type: Free – Author: Igor Silva
Substance Designer Live Link
The Substance Designer Live Link plugin automatically creates outputs for each shader and gives users the option to send the material to Toolbag with a click of a button. Check out the video to see this plugin in action.
Type: Paid – Author: Ymmanuel Flores
Substance Painter Live Link
The Substance Painter Live Link plugin allows users to export materials to Marmoset Toolbag with a one-click operation. Watch the video to learn more about this plugin.
Type: Paid – Author: Ymmanuel Flores
Substance Painter to Toolbag
This plugin outputs Substance Painter files to Marmoset Toolbag 3. You can export a custom preset file, the output mesh, and all textures from Painter at the click of a button and it will immediately load the content in Toolbag 3. When you click the “sp2mar” button again, it will re-export the textures.
Type: Paid – Author: PJ Peng
Video Importer Plugin
The Video Importer Plugin enables you to create an animated material from a video file. The plugin uses FFmpeg to get the video properties and create a texture sheet from the frames of the video. The plugin automatically determines the number of Columns and Lines to fit as many frames as possible into a 16k texture. Users can change this value and the output path from the Texture Sheet drawer.
For instructions on settings, check out the plugin on Artstation.
Type: Free – Author: Erdinç Ataberk
Submit Your Own
Have you created a custom shader or Python plugin that you would like to share with the world?
1) Test
Make sure that your asset is thoroughly tested, on both Mac & Windows. If you need help testing, post your asset on the Toolbag 3 User Group, ArtStation, or Polycount.
2) Host
Upload your asset to Gumroad or a similar service. Gumroad provides a great platform that enables you to update your asset if you need to fix bugs or add features. Additionally, Gumroad provides content creators the ability to sell or receive donations for their hard work.
3) Submit
Email with the subject Asset Submission. Please include a link to your asset, along with your name and a link to your portfolio or website. If your submission is approved, we will add it to our Add-on Library.